Welcome To GIS & Human Dimensions


Juan Paulo Ramirez, Ph.D.

Founder, GIS and Human Dimensions, LLC

“We are committed to offer you key services of excellence in geomapping, graphic visualization (i.e., interactive charts), and statistical analysis to make you more competitive in your professional field.”

Map & Chart Visualization

Your Data on a digital map.

Maps are one of the most effective techniques for data visualization and analysis. We create interactive maps and appealing visualizations of your data on the web.

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Grant Writing

Get your project funded.

We use highly effective coaching techniques to make sure that your grant application gets the value that it deserves. We have collaborated in getting grants successfully funded.

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Program Evaluation

Improve programs results

We help to assess what works and what it needs to be improved on a program, and how to get the expected results within a timely and cost/effective manner.

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